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Random exterior CTDs


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I've been racking my brains on this for days, and I'm throwing in the towel and asking for some help, please!

The CTDs seem to occur randomly on the outskirts of towns and usually within minutes of arrival. I've gone through and disabled many mods one by one trying to weed out the culprit, and I had some improvement, but it's still happening.


I'm running a Core i7 5820K with 32GB of system RAM and have an NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB graphics card. I'm running Windows 10 64-bit.


I've used LOOT to weed out dirty mods, and cleaned up those with issues using Tes5Edit. I'm also using ENBoost with the NVIDIA 6GB enblocal file.


Papyrus Log:




LOOT Load Order:




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Are you using the Sheson's memory patch integrated into SKSE?
Navigate to Skyrim/Data/SKSE and add the following to your SKSE.ini



You can adjust DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB to be higher or lower in increments of 128 until you stop crashing. Before this fix was applied I couldn't walk from Helgen to Riverwood without crashing. :tongue: Now I very rarely crash.

Edited by Lukezkee
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I tried using that, but it didn't seem to help. I think that Sofia wasn't playing well with something. I've assigned her to live at the Blue Palace and removed her custom body and now it only crashes when I have her follow me. The crashes are far and few between without her CBBE body. Instead of every few minutes, I make it about an hour. I'll just have to keep her there and go visit from time to time. With her staying at the palace, I've played for 5 hours without a problem.

Edited by rasellersjr
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