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Illidan Twin Blades (Blade Modding)


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Hey girls and guys,


I´ve had an idea: Maybe some of you know the demonhunter Illidan Stormblade from Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

He is using two ordinary blades, called the Twin Blades.

In my opinion, it would be very cool to use them in Skyrim, too.

Here are some pictures of them:


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3


In case, I'm not very well at modding, maybe someone of you wants to "Accept" the Challenge?

What do you think of this idea?


Best regards



Btw.: Picture two is one, where Illidan is shown, too. Do you think it`s possible to create a new class looking like this?

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hello there,i have a good news for your request:

1st of all its Illidan StormRAGE (like Malfurion Stormrage - he's brother) and he apeared in warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos then in expansion of The Frozen Throne and daggers are called Warglaives of Azzinoth (its really important to know exactly the name so u can find what ure looking for faster :D )

2nd Jojjo will make better one (i guess) ,but there are already some of them out... but u probably didnt tried in search with original blade's name....

anyway here is the link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8258 install it and u need to create them from Dgaonscale armor category (or u can type a code in console to add them but thats cheating :D )

player.additem XX000d62 1

player.additem XX000d63 1


XX is the load order of esp (u can find it in Data Files option from launcher (for example 02,03,04 etc)


Also u have Frostmourne as well if u like and lich king's armor from Jojjo

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