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Kellog bug


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Hey I'm having this issue when I go and confront Kellog normally his voice appears and starts to taunt me when I reach a certain part of Fort Hagen and he opens the door I need to go in to kill him but his voice doesn't appear and I can't get into the room he's in is this a bug or is there anything I can download to help me with this problem? Any help is welcomed.

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I have exactly the same problem. I've loaded a saved game 3 times starting with Dogmeat - each time the sequence is the same, follow dogmeat, pick up the clues for Kellogs passing, get to Fort Hagen, enter and clear out the top levels, getting down to the main door of Fort Hagen, enter, expecting Kellogs voice to kick in at some stage, nothing happens and I can clear out the synths all the way to the final room, which requires Kellog to stand down the synths and open the door. Something must trigger the Kellog voice sequence.

I entered a couple of console commands to see if there was something immediately apparent - but I don't see anything I can use - I'm still looking for an answer.

Check out what my console commands pulled up:


command - ' showquestobjectives '


==Getting a Clue==

( Instance: 1)
30 Tell Nick Your story COMPLETED
40 Follow Nick COMPLETED
60 Get the Key to Kellogg's House COMPLETED
70 Investigate Kellogg's House COMPLETED
75 follow Nick COMPLETED
80 Show Dogmeat the Cigar COMPLETED
( Instance: 1 )
10 Follow Dogmeat COMPLETED
11 Search for clues to Kellogg DORMANT
12 Search for clues to Kellogg DORMANT
13 Search for clues to Kellogg DORMANT
14 Search for clues to Kellogg DORMANT
15 Search for clues to Kellogg DORMANT
40 Check on Dogmeat COMPLETED
50 Find a way into Fort Hagen COMPLETED
75 Search Fort Hagen DISPLAYED
command: ' help mq106 0 '
---CONSOLE COMMANDS---------------




MQ106clueTimerRunning = 0.00

M0106ebug = 1.00


KYWD:LocTypeMQ106TrackingSite (0016840A)"

KYWD: qgMQl06 (000E6B23)"

AVIF: COMQC_MQ106KelloggDeadAV (002488CC)"

AVIF: COMQC_MQ106KelloggHuntAV (002488CB)"

LCRT:MQ106InvestigationSiteTriggerRefType (00085346)"

QUST: MQ106 (000229E7) 'Reunions'

QUST: MQ106Investigations (00134297) 'Tracking Kellogg' .


Fallout4.esm CELL: MQ106TrackingSite05'

Fallout4.esm CELL: MQI 06TrackingSite04'

Fallout4.esm CELL: MQI 06TrackingSite02'

Fallout4.esm CELL: MQ109TrackingSite03'

Fallout4.esm CELL: MQ106TrackingSite01'

usage: help <matchstring> <filter> <form type>

filters: 0-all 1-functions, 2-settings, 3-globals, 4-other forms

form type is 4 characters and is ignored unless the filter is 4.

If you find a solution, I'd be keen to know.

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