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how to got the ambush furniture in the ck to work?


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Hi guys.


My question is already the topic-titel. For the case that you are not sure what I mean:


As example in Vanilla-F4 are many places there creatures attack out of the dirt, RAD-Roaches jump from the wall and attack you, dead Ghuls start to "life" again and attack you... such things.


And my question is, how can I make things like that?


In a test-interior I have put some ghul-ambush furnitures in, but nothing happens as I have walk truth that interior in a testrun. Need I to link Ghul-NPcs to the furnitures, or what I make wrong?


I hope someone knows how those things work.

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there are ready made packins with different ambushes. (search "ambush" in the object window and you will find many with a "12" symbol )

Place the packin down where you want it and the move the parts around to make the ambush as you want .


You can move the markers ,resize the trigger etc.

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It has worked! In my test cell. There I got then ambushed by 4 Ghuls on the same time. It whas nice to see it working, even it have bring my test-character to his death :) . Thanks greek.

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