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Handful of simple specific mod tweaks


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I'm one of those guys that's completely obsessed with dwemer stuff, for various personal reasons that I won't waste your time explaining unless asked. I ALSO like fantasy dwarves. To this end I've experimented with several awesome mods, but some of them don't quite hit that magical mark I'm after and I've become quite frustrated after trying to learn to create/edit mods for a couple weeks now. For sake of these actually getting implemented I'm gonna keep the suggestions simple, keeping perceived required effort minimal on the modder's end, especially as I wasn't attempting to do anything more complex myself.


Race: I enjoy http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19253/? the most, but have opinions on base race choice and associated stats. Should be simple as I've played around enough to discover the modded skeleton and how to mess with stats, but my own efforts haven't resulted in anything the game will register for some reason. What I'd like is a single option, named Dwemer, with the copy/pasted description of the mod's Dwarves race, utilizing the mod's skeleton of course. Bosmer as the base race (in order to be an elf, be called out for being a "little elf", and have skin options ranging from more human ones to greyish muted ones. These are simply reasons, there should be no editing required other than bosmer as base). Base stats would be 15 as per vanilla, associated vanilla-pattern stat boosts would be: Archery, Block, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, and One-Handed +5, Smithing +10. Breton racial effect: 25% resistance to magic. Orc race power: Berserker Rage.
Optional: Altmer ear type if simple to implement. Second separate race option swapping block and one-handed boost for +5 two-handed, additional +5 enchanting.

Equipment: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54344/? Only head gear 2 available, with water breathing enchantment that came with it and 40% archery enchantment from head gear 1. Rename Dwarven HUD.

Optional: Assign arbitrary material and perk requirement. Dwarven Smithing+Arcane Blacksmith? (1 small plate metal, 1 gear, 1 ingot, 4 scrap metal, 2 bent scrap, 1 centurion core? Based on ingame visual inspection.)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53950/? Recon backpack only. Rename Dwarven Targetter. 40% archery enchantment from enormous artillery backpack. Assign arbitrary material and perk requirement. Dwarven Smithing+Arcane Blacksmith? (9 solid metal, 1 large plate metal, 6 small plate metal, 2 cog, 6 gear, 1 large decorate strut, 7 knives, 1 fork, 1 dwarven warhammer, 1 centurion core. Terrible list based solely off ingame visual inspection, unable to inspect actual composition of item.) Increase weight?

If somewhat simple, use Buddy backpack model for http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24858/?


Obviously these use other mods and are for personal use but if they get done I'll try contacting the original authors for release permission.

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