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How to disable "enemy is too powerful for X enchantment" messages.


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I am currently testing out Unique Magicka Sabers, but every time I hit an enemy with it, I get a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen saying (paraphrased) "X enemy is too powerful for this enchantment". As somebody with OCD, this is super annoying, so I tried fixing it in CK but couldn't work out what settings to change exactly - from what I found out, this happens because it has an on-hit effect that does zero damage, but I couldn't work out how to change its damage from the Magic Effects subsection.


Does anybody know exactly what settings to alter to add some type damage to this weapon's effect, or failing that, some alternative way to make it stop displaying that message? I would be very grateful for any assistance, this is HELLA ANNOYING #ocdproblems

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