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Optimizing _n.dds & _s.dds


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I'm used to optimizing vanilla textures myself for TESV, FO3 and FNV, with either DDSopt or Optimizer Textures.

Never had any problems.


While the _d.dds files in FO4 seem to work the same as in earlier titles (I've just finished optimizing and testing them), the _n.dds & _s.dds files are not working. :wallbash:

- Windows refuses to show an in-folder preview and the corresponding dimensions.

- Neither one of the before-mentioned optimizers touches the normal- and specularmaps.

- I know there are mods out there with pre-optimized normals and speculars (Texture Optimization Project, Optimized Vanilla Textures, etc.) but I'd like to do it myself (due to specific wishes for dimensions and for textures within heavier mods as well).


It's probably something stupid, but if someone could help me out that'd be wonderful :D

I'm running Windows 10 with DirectX12.


[i've added a picture of what it looks like in-folder]

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The _n and _s files use ATi2N compression which Windows doesn't support natively. You can get a Windows Explorer Extension that will show the thumbnails, but you'll still need a separate program that can decode the ATI2N format. nVidia has a plugin for Photoshop, and there is also a Plugin for Gimp 2.0 that allows you to edit and save them.


The _d files can be happily save in the DXT5 format.


There is an Intel Plugin that's can save them, but it's not as universally supported, plus it is horrifically bad on CPU usage, and may cause bad texture pop-in, or may cause longer delays when swapping weapons, if the textures use that compressor. (now wait for all the posts denying that statement, even though it's a documented fact)

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