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So I see their wiki isn't up, doubt it would be currently. I'm trying to jump right into this scripting and it looks nothing like the way they used to do things. Any coding guru wanna give me a quick lesson on some of this new stuff? I see them importing functions like the debug and stuff. Stuff I'm not familiar with :'( I wanted to stay a script kiddie foreverrrrr.


EDIT: I see this http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus


So what do you guys think of it O.o Cause I have A LOT to read.

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Where is the papyrus editor? Everytime I go into the papyrus manager it asks me to open some external program. So I'm currently using notepad...? Did I miss something?


Right clicking a script and selecting "Edit Source" opens the .psc in the CK text editor.


However, if you wish to use an external editor, Notepad++ is recommended. The Papyrus language plug-in can be found here.

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I am having the same problem. Any ideas on why?


Well ive just spent the last hour trying to get an npc to spawn when NPC No.1 dies.

Followed all the tutorials but everytime it says it has failed, if anyone can explain as the wiki just makes things far more confusing


I even tried copying the scripts they told you to try and I still get an error saying its wrong

Edited by thelonewarrior
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