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Disable dragon soul absorb animation


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Is there a mod that can disable that animation we all see when a dragon soul is absorbed? This has become a real nuisance when i'm high level and grinding/farming dragon bones and scales. After klling a dragon, everytime just have to just stand there and wait untill the animation has finished, animation just takes more time when i fast travel.

Edited by Jimpovich
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That's not an animation thing. I don't think that there even is a special player animation for that. It's a script: MQKillDragonScript.pex.


That has numerous waits between all the different absorbation steps, that end up to a total of about 23 sec.


Change that to your liking, compile the script, and you are done.

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Is there a mod that can disable that animation we all see when a dragon soul is absorbed? This has become a real nuisance when i'm high level and grinding/farming dragon bones and scales. After klling a dragon, everytime just have to just stand there and wait untill the animation has finished, animation just takes more time when i fast travel.


Where can i find that? Data>Scripts doesn't say much.

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