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SGW MP-Lobby down


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This can be closed now, SGW is back online!


Hello Friends,

i am a huge fan of the Game Sniper Ghost Warrior - the first one, PvP. They have an extra (Mod) ``hidden Compass´´, great stuff if you want to hunt you opponent rather then waiting for a red dot to appear. Also a very friendly community, found nothing similar yet, exept here.


Now we have a problem with the developer; they shut down the lobby so we cant play MP, although they don’t have Servers running anymore, all where privat, a group in the US (ts-bannlist) had even 8 servers running 24/7!!! - the only reason may be, selling the new release SGW3.


My (our) question to all the scripters and who ever knows about:
Is there a way (mod) to open the lobby again? Somehow? Any suggestion would be appreciated. We are desperate to play this, any way!


Thank you


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Last weekend we tryed out a Plan - B solution, we use tunngle (a P2P-VPN-Client) to play. It works well, so far, had some fun and found 1(one) problem - the host has to stay ingame. Means he/she cant use windows-key or taskmanager to work in other window - the players all freeze, Steam overlay is fine.


Now, this is Plan B - we still need advice if/how we can enter the Internet lobby regular (without tunnel-software). How does that work, what is needed, where to get it?


Im supprised that no one has an idea, you all are so skilled in modding and scripting, i thought someone could help an old man to understand how to do this. We dont have these skills and would realy appreciate your help.

bye all, and thanks

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