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changing the eye texture using a magic effect.


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I am new to modding, and i was trying to apply a custom texture "MaleEyeHumanRed" to my character using a Script-type magic effect ,and this is what the script looks like :

Scriptname RedEyes extends ActiveMagicEffect  
Function SetEyeTexture(TextureSet MaleEyeHumanRed) native
event oneffectstart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
TextureSet MaleEyeHumanRed
Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
TextureSet EyesMaleHumanIceBlue

but when i run Skyrim and cast the spell that has this magic effect, nothing happens.


is the problem in the script ? if so then what is it , please help.


thanks in advance.

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  • 2 years later...

I know that this is a dead topic, but if anyone is reading this: The function SetEyeTexture() seems to be bugged. For me ,it works in dialogue fragments, but not in other scripts. If anyone with more experience can give further insight, feel free to reply.

Edited by hadun9999
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