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Creation kit not loading


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EDIT:not SAVING, not "not loading" -_-'


Hi there. I just downloaded the creation kit (haven't we all :) ) and... I'm stumped: I open it, load skyrim.esm (with and without the update file), and get a bunch of errors (Yes to all), but it loads fine.


Then, even without doing anything, I click file, save, "test1.esp" and I get "You must close all open dialogue box before saving."


the thing is, there isn't one. anyone got that or know how to solve it?

Edited by ssalogel
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I have exactly the same problem. I am unable to save anything, receiving the message "You must close all open dialogue boxes before saving."


No other windows are open when this occurs. I've tried saving just after it starts (with no .esm loaded). I've tried saving after loading skyrim.esm. I've tried rebooting. I've also tried reinstalling the Kit. Nada.


I also receive about six errors when I load skyrim.esm (while it is initializing references), so it sounds like we have the same issue.


System Specs:


OS: Win 7 Ultimate x64

Ram: 4GB

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+


Can anyone help shed any light on this?

Edited by TMichael
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My Solution


Do you use a program called Filebox Extender? Among other things, it allows you to pin windows so that they always stay on top.


I disabled the program in my taskbar, and the kit now saves without errors.


If you don't use this program, check your installed program files for anything that might affect your windows and menus. Any program which does this might be the culprit.


I hope this helps - good luck!

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