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How do you stop interiors getting wet?

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Red Rocket Truck Shop was the first place I called home, as did most players I suppose since it's the first place after Sanctuary players usually find. Now I've fixed up Croup Manor to the best of my abilities or rather the limitations of the crafting system, without using the Creation Kit. However like Red Rocket is gets wet inside despite the roof being intact and it not visibly raining inside.


Now I could do what others have done and fix Croup Manor exterior up and change it into a new interior cell using the Creation Kit but that sounds like too much work at this point and besides I like the immediacy of grabbing some stuff or off loading the spoils of a recent trip and heading on out again without any loading screens.


So is there a way to make a building like Croup Manor and Red Rocket stay dry when it's raining? I'm assuming dry areas are governed by a zone or something.

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So is there a way to make a building like Croup Manor and Red Rocket stay dry when it's raining? I'm assuming dry areas are governed by a zone or something.

Yes. You have to change it into an interior cell. Welcome to the world of "that sounds like too much work" lol.

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