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Music Change in Skyrim


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This is not a mod in itself, and I am certainly not the person who came up this idea or the instructions to do so, I only created a video to give the effect. I unfortunately do not know who did and thus cannot give credit where it is deserved but this is Skyrim with music changed.







The music is embedded in Sounds.bsa in the Skyrim folder. It's all in xwm format, so you'll need to convert your music to that. The only way to do so is to use xWMAencoder, included in the latest Microsft DirectX SDK which you can download for free. You can only convert .wav to xwm or vice versa, so you'll probably need to convert your music to .wav first. There's lots of sites that let you do that for free but iTunes can do it anyway.


Once you've downloaded xWMAencoder, place the .wav file you want to convert in the xWMAencode folder. Rename it to something simple (like one.wav). Now go to the Windows start menu and type CMD in the search box to open the command shell. Navigate to the xWMAencode folder (for example cd desktop\xwmaencode) and type 'xwmaencode one.wav 1.xwm' without the quotation marks. That will convert the wav files to xwm.


Now you need to know what music files you want to replace. To open Sounds.bsa you need a BSA unpacker (like this one: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3117). Find the file you want to replace (For example mus_combat_01.xwm). Now create a folder called Music and place it in Skyrim's data folder. Create a new folder in the one you just created called Combat and place the encoded xwm file in it. Rename it to whatever music file you wanted to replace (in this case mus_combat_01.xwm). The game will now play this instead of the standard music.

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