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Dragonborn the Merciful


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I would like an option to not kill people that beg for their lives when they are about to die by my hand.


But all the time i try to be good and let them live, they attack me again, making the begging useless and pointless in the first place.


So, the mod would be:


- Whenever a near-death enemy begs for his life and you do not kill him, he will not be shown as an enemy anymore (red dot) and will not agro also, fleeing afterwards.


- His name will automatically change, example:


If a "Bandit" begs for his life, he will become "Spared Bandit".

If a "Stormcloack Soldier" begs for his life, he will become "Spared Stormcloack Soldier"...


And so,


Too hard?

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there was a mod for this that casts a thirty day calm spell on the opponent if they enter bleedout, i think the author also made another version that made it fear instead so that they would run in terror from your might.


idk if that would hold you over until someone makes a mod like you proposed

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there was a mod for this that casts a thirty day calm spell on the opponent if they enter bleedout, i think the author also made another version that made it fear instead so that they would run in terror from your might.


idk if that would hold you over until someone makes a mod like you proposed


Thanks, i'll check them out. Its is not ideal, but it is close.

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