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Basically a few days ago, I decided to reset my pc. A whole bunch of pop ups and other things were bothering me so I reset it which obviously made my all my Skyrim mods leave too. Before I reset my pc I was running the tetrachromatic ENB. Everything was running fantastically. but ever since I reset my pc, all enbs wont work. I will go through a complete installation progress on YouTube, will do everything they say then when I run the Skyrim launcher to change the video settings, it comes up with a message saying the skyrimlauncher.exe has stopped working, then I have to close it. Please help.

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What OS are you using? If it's Win 10, you might have to (re)install DX 9:



AFAIK, the same thing might happen on a fresh install of Win 8, too.


It's a bit strange though, that changing your settings in the Skyrim launcher already makes you crash. Regardless of your ENB install, this shouldn't happen. Are you able to run Skyrim without ENBs?

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