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Celtic/Braveheart requests


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*edit* so after adding several things i ralized that the title is no longer fitting sorry




so here are a few pictures of what i would like some one to make please! sry if i sound a lil demanding i dont mean to


this sword: http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/TS-CELTICWARP_540.jpg


this tattoo: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly9hz26Gav1r6uuw0o1_500.jpg


this dagger: http://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/C/17bk1336.jpg


this helmet: http://armstreet.com/catalogue/full/slavic-xiii-century-combat-helm-helmet-armor-1.jpg


strider's outfit: http://www.collecttolkien.com/images/Wallhangings/Wall%20Decal%20LOTR%20Aragorn%20Strider.jpg http://www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr/Human/Aragorn/Strider/Str_8583_TornLon.jpg


these beards:

1 http://www.jelldragon.com/images2/beard_ring.jpg

2 http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSdiHeLYInth0wytLUTpDA7ZvDSHcv1D_GI8mJ_75G2tei3SOJM9JlyqUtW


an outfit like this: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/157360_611904475_398212600_n.jpg


so im not picky if they replace current weapons or stand alone but stand alone would be preferable Thanks!

Edited by StuartSmiles
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