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Why does the swapa/place everywhere tool keeps crashing my game (ps4)?


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Ever since I installed the swapa and place everywhere mods, my game crashes everytime I try to use it. I have tried everything to get it to work, such as changing my load order several times and disabling different mods I thought it might conflict with, but to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated! This is my current load order:


USO base game

Bigger settlement build area (disabled)

Cheat container

Sanctuary no more hammering

Daswolfen's Sancturary Hills bridge bodies



Place anywhere tool

STS (disabled)

Power conduits radius increase and no build limit (disabled)


ps. I have the required contraptions dlc installed.

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A bit confused as to why you're asking for help with your PS4 on a predominantly PC oriented forum. There are no PS4 mods on the Nexus...the vast majority of users here play on PC. The only place to get PS4 mods is through Bethesda, not here.


Not to send you away, but you'll likely have better luck getting help on the Bethesda PS4 page for this mod. Did you look for help there?

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Sorry, I didn't realize it was pc only.


You're welcome to hang out here. I don't think anyone's showing you the door necessarily, just because you're console. This is predominantly a PC bunch, though, and a huge number of mods for the PC version will not work on consoles for a variety of reasons.


Place Everywhere, for example, requires F4SE to work. And I may end up proven wrong, but personally I'd expect to see the Satan All-Star Icecapades happen before that ever got onto console. (It's hard enough to get a new PC update as it is.)

Edited by Greslin
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Try placing SwaPa immediately BELOW Place Anywhere in your load order. Both of these mods should be placed near the top of your load order, after all the DLCs and unofficial patches.


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