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Question about skeleton...


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Well, I recently started to mod Skyrim SE and the more I learn about mods the more I try to customize some of them =)


I use the regular XPMSE skeleton with swords on back and everything but I would like that my male beasts races (khajiit and argonian) got a more muscular version of this skeleton. Like some sort of bodybuilder shape but not so extreme.

I know that there is some skeleton for that like Muscular Khajiit but looking at it in Nifscope it have waaaaaaay less bones than XPMSE (and no weapons in back). So my question is simple : does anybody know how to get a more massive shape with my beastskeleton without messing everything ? ^^"


Any info/experience about that will be useful. =)

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Go through all skeleton bones and check their scales and positions.

If you increase the scale of the bone, everything in mesh, that is attached to it, also increases.

But be careful - increasing NPC Spine [spn0] node, for example, also cause increasing of all childrens of this node (i,e, shoulders, arms, neck, head...).

Edited by azazellz
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