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[LE] Help with scripting - play sound and fx


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Hi !

I'm new here so please don't be so rude :wink:

I started with skyrim creation kit 2 days ago, and at this state I'm stuck ...


My project :

Currently a simple dagger with a paralysis effect on hit and high damage.

It can only be forged at the Skyforge during a Storm (lmao not so hard :D) with silver ingot, black soul gem and leather strips.


=============== Here it works


My problem :

When the player forges the dagger I want a lightning bolt and a thunderclap.


The problem is that I actually never used scripts. I understand the writing but don't know where to put it.


I found the CraftItem Event node in CK but don't understand how to use it.


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Check the basic tutorials for "where to put the writting"



The node you refer to is part of the Story Manager which basically starts quests on certain events (like crafting something). Then on your quest startup stage's fragment you'd put the sound and fx playing.




If the item can only be obtained via crafting you could save a headache and just use an scripted onitemadded event with some conditions so it only triggers the first time.

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