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Realistic Lighting overhaul too dark even during the day


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Hi I am trying to get Real vision ENB and Realistic Lightning Overhaul mod to work on my vanilla skyrim (since elfx now is only available for skyrim with dlcs) so the problem I am having is that RLO is too dark even in daytime. Hell I start the game and I cant make out the details on the faces of the two companions I have on that wagon (Railofs face I can somewhat see well enough)


Since RLO can only be installed manually now, I copy all the core files and the bright dungeons and bright nights files from the optional modules to the skyrim data folder what am I doing wrong??

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RLO can still be installed through NMM, I literally just did that a couple days ago. Have any screenshots? You could try changing things through the enb gui, under "environment", like point lighting intensity and ambient lighting, as well as direct lighting.


You could also give my ENB a try, which doesn't have that issue :P :)


Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83358

Edited by NerevarII
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