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Solsthiem Remake


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Have been thinking of this idea for about a year, and now that the modding tools have been released today, I have started work on my "Dream Mod". Basically I'm remaking solsthiem as it would be 200 years from the bloodmoon expansion which was my favourite part of Morrowind. My idea is that for fort frostmoth it could be a big fort now, raven rock would be huge but poor like it is, full of refugees and miners, Skaal and Thirsk would have grown in size, maybe introduce a few new places. The glacier will almost have been melted revealing the daedric ruin within, and Castle Kaarstag would have almost melted but still explorable. Also I was thinking that for the main quest you are chosen by Hircine. But you are placed in his hunting grounds realm and not another bloodmoon. I have many ideas and lots of lore memorized and new lore I have made that still fits with Elder Scrolls that I would like to apply to it. Just putting up this notice to see if people would want to take part in it aswell.
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