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Mod request - more mods/customization for player robot armor


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I have always been bummed over how many minor factions have so little flesh to them and one ov them being the Rust devil's {the other being the Children ov Atom but that's for another day} anyway once i started playing around with the robot workbench in game i thought "Hey why doesn't the player robot armor have this level ov customization after all we are talking about a band ov robot cannibal raiders who would have the know how to make all this work on their armor" so the basic ideal is to resize and hold the same stats and effects as the majority {if not all} the robot armor options in the robot workbench to fit the player robot armor.

Edited by shocktrooper666
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I was seriously disappointed w/the so called Robot Armor. Leather was / is actually better in a whole lot of ways, even Raider Armor is better.


I really thought the Robot Armor would be special - pun intended - but again, what a let down.


.. Jj ...

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