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A bit of a hand please?


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This is gonna sound nooby... But I;'m roleplaying in the game, and.. I came up with an idea, for looting Bandits, or anyone who can have Alcohol in their loot list. I got an idea for half bottles of the same alcohol [Wine, Mead, etc.] that do half the help. Problem is, I'm an idiot and don't know how to make the half effects, or edit the lists. I know how to make the half-bottles of the stuff [This is only Nord Mead, Ale, Alto Wine and Wine, mind you, not things like Black Brier Reserve and honningbrew Mead] I just need a hand with editing the loot lists and making the half-effect. Can someone help? I've looked all over for tutorials on this. ._.


Edit: What I mean by "I'm roleplaying" is my character doesn't loot alcohol without "Inspecting" it. So sometimes I pretend a bottle's half-opened and she won't take it.

Edited by SakenLei
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