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Rhonda disappearing after conversation (Crazy Crazy Crazy quest)


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So after I use Science to reactivate Rhonda the robot at the peak of Black Mountain, it immediately vanishes after I talk to it. As a result, when I go outside, Tabitha is nowhere to be seen. Even worse, if I then go up to Tabitha's control room, she's gone. The quest marker points outside where the reunion should be happening, but neither NPC is anywhere in sight.



0 0 FalloutNV.esm
1 1 DeadMoney.esm
2 2 HonestHearts.esm
3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm
4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm
5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
6 6 ClassicPack.esm
7 7 MercenaryPack.esm
8 8 TribalPack.esm
9 9 CaravanPack.esm
10 a More Perks.esm
11 b IWS-Core.esm
12 c More Perks for Dead Money.esm
13 d CoitoErgoSum.esm
14 e MoonQuest.esm
15 f domecity.esm
16 10 Sortomatic.esm
17 11 Niner.esm
18 12 NewVegasRailroads.esp
19 13 NVWillow.esp
20 14 SomeguySeries.esm
21 15 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm
22 16 More Traits.esm
23 17 More Perks for Old World Blues.esm
24 18 Project Nevada - Core.esm
25 19 Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
26 1a Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
27 1b Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
28 1c More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm
29 1d Afterschool Special.esm
30 1e KhanInitiation.esp
31 1f Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
32 20 VMW.esp
33 21 D.E.I.M.O.S..esm
34 22 DesertersFortress.esm
35 23 More Perks for Companions.esm
36 24 JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
37 25 IWS-Core-Civilians.esp
38 26 JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
39 27 Light Step ED-E.esp
40 28 aWHK.esp
41 29 Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp
42 2a IWS-OWB.esp
43 2b The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
44 2c Level100PerkPerLevel.esp
45 2d Delay Level Up.esp
46 2e Powder Ganger Rep Fix - Gunfight.esp
47 2f Clarity.esp
Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp
48 30 IWS-Core-Guards.esp
49 31 IWS-HH.esp
50 32 HZSmoothLight.esp
51 33 Caesar Brotherhood.esp
52 34 More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp
53 35 IWS-Core-Patrols.esp
54 36 More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp
55 37 More Perks for Companions Update.esp
56 38 DesertersFortressUpdate_V1.1_DemiLore.esp
57 39 DesertersFotress - Casual Edition.esp
58 3a IWS-LR.esp
59 3b Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Plus Standalone.esp
60 3c Reload Sounds.esp
61 3d milkman.esp
Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs.esp
62 3e EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
63 3f Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Plus.esp
64 40 kochandbohr.esp
65 41 Machienzo-RadioNewVegasFixv11.esp
66 42 MMUE-CP-EVE.esp
67 43 WeaponModsExpanded.esp
68 44 TfaT2.esp
69 45 Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp
70 46 IWS-DM.esp
71 47 WeightlessAmmo.esp
72 48 More Perks Update.esp
73 49 TheInheritance.esp
74 4a ItemBrowser.esp
75 4b pipboy2500_edisleado.esp
76 4c NoMainStoryUltimatums.esp
Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp
77 4d Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp
78 4e Purge Cell Buffers.esp
79 4f The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
80 50 WMX-DLCMerged.esp
81 51 Project Nevada - All DLC.esp
82 52 NorthRoad.esp
83 53 Russell.esp
84 54 uylssesbarksfix.esp
85 55 MMUE-CP-WMX.esp
86 56 CourierCacheWSE.esp
87 57 Goodsprings Filler.esp
88 58 NewVegasBounties.esp
89 59 NewVegasBountiesII.esp
90 5a More Traits Update.esp
Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp
91 5b More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp
Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp
92 5c Rewarding Exploring.esp
93 5d WMX-EVE-AllDLCMerged.esp
Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp
94 5e Unofficial Patch Plus.esp
95 5f MiscItemIconsNV.esp
96 60 MMUE-CP-PNEquipment.esp
97 61 MMUE-CP-PNRebalance.esp
98 62 Project Nevada - WMX.esp
99 63 Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
101 65 Unofficial Patch Plus - Project Nevada Patch.esp
102 66 WMX-POPMerged.esp
103 67 MMUE POP.esp
104 68 DLC Weapon Integration - WMX.esp
105 69 MoreNiner.esp
106 6a Dog_City3.esp
107 6b Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp
108 6c NVBabyDeathclawCommander.esp
109 6d MMUE-CP-PNCore.esp
110 6e NVRailroadsPNXRailroadGunPatch.esp
111 6f The Groovatron NV.esp



The mod list was posted using LOOT. If that's not helpful, I can put another one using NMM. I'd appreciate any help in solving this issue.


Edit: Replaced the original list with a neater one, as suggested.


I have not altered my timescale this playthrough. Rhonda is disappearing AFTER I repair it, and this is the first time I am visiting the storage room.

Edited by Confusious
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While LOOT is a preferred mechanism for obtaining your "load order", that list is "overload" with too much detailed information for our purposes. LOOT can copy your LO into a list suitable for posting on forums. (It's under the ":" with three dots to the extreme right in it's menu bar.)


Have you by any chance adjusted the "Timescale" of the game from the default of "30:1"? If so, please see the 'Issue: Can Timescale adjustments break certain quests, etc.?' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


Known bug from "The Vault" Fallout wiki: If a significant amount of in-game time passes between the moment when you first encounter Rhonda and the moment when you decide to repair her, it is highly likely that Rhonda will disappear from your game. This can be fixed if you are playing the PC version with access to the console by using the command "player.placeleveledactoratme 000E84A2".



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So after some further testing, I've found that if I go to Tabitha's room BEFORE I interact with Rhonda, she is there and I can kill her. Given that both Rhonda and Tabitha disappear after I reactivate Rhonda, I think something is happening where the game deletes them instead of moving them outside for the good ending. Any suggestions on what could be the case?


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Sorry, no suggestions. When I played that scene, IIRC I never saw either up close after I repaired Rhonda, because I was looting the room at the time. I "overheard" their conversation outside and they had moved on down the mountain by the time I left the building. I believe I did catch a glimpse of them moving on the road down below, but that's all. Not sure it is intended for you to interact with them once Rhonda is repaired.


Have you tried checking your Karma in the console before and after repairing Rhonda? From the wiki, it would appear you get the "good karma" merely from completing the requirements of that solution (repair Rhonda while Tabitha is still alive) without needing to interact again. Can't recall for myself.



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OK so I found a rough solution to this. I tried to use the console to move both Rhonda and Tabitha outside after repairing Rhonda. This didn't work, at first, until I used the "enable" command for both of them.

It seemed the game disabled both NPC's too early, but by re-enabling them and moving them together the game got itself back on track.

No idea why it happened though.

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Nice detective work. That's very interesting. Usually a script will disable an actor to ensure it stays put while it's various dialog options or cut-scenes get processed to completion. In this instance it seems it failed to re-enable both when the dialogs were completed so they could move appropriately afterwards. Which is why I asked about "timescale" earlier as it can cause the same symptoms.


Do you by any chance have a mod installed that is intended to allow you to exit dialog before it completes, such as "Leave Conversation by Genin32"? If so, this may be a situation the author didn't allow for (always a risk with such).



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