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Cosmetic mods


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Fallout, the nuclear kind.. world has gone to proverbial $hit. NPCs around smoke like they just do not give a damn. And why shouldn't they? what with the radiation, polluted air, water, barren soil and wasteland itself.


Now to the point, I'm aware of that one mod that allows the player character to light one, but I'm either too dumb or too lazy to work around it, so here I am, asking you talented people if it would be possible for a simpler, more intuitive mod for such a cosmetic action. It is a game after all, and health hazards in Boston in that year.. really don't compare to smoking, if anything, it adds to the cool factor in such a messed up world.


I want to thank you for your dedication and laud your stellar creativity when it comes to modding. But do consider this.


Keep up your terrific work, you're Gods among men. :D

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