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[F4SE] Where are the list of potential controls to register for?

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I'm looking for the list of potential controls that I can register for through the OnControl... Fallout 4 Script Extender events. I haven't managed to find them on the relevant CK pages, looking through Fallout 4 settings files, Google, etc. I'm sure that I'm an idiot and I've just overlooked something.


If anyone could point me in the right direction, that'd be great.

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Ok, there is no list of working control names, but you can find names inside CustomControlMap.txt which comes with f4se. I have tested some of them and most hadnt fired, but some of them do. (I know that because I have documented all of the DXscan codes on wiki for onkeydown event and registering strings will take more time, but I'm going to document all valid control names at some point)
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I don't know if this will help but these are the ones for skyrim:

"Forward", "Back", "Strafe Left", "Strafe Right", "Move", "Look", "Left Attack/Block", "Right Attack/Block"
"Activate", "Ready Weapon", "Tween Menu", "Toggle POV", "Zoom Out", "Zoom In", "Jump", "Sprint", "Shout",
"Sneak", "Run", "Toggle Always Run", "Auto-Move", "Favorites", "Hotkey1", "Hotkey2", "Hotkey3", "Hotkey4",
"Hotkey5", "Hotkey6", "Hotkey7", "Hotkey8", "Quicksave", "Quickload", "Wait", "Journal", "Pause", "Screenshot",
"Multi-Screenshot", "Console", "CameraPath", "Quick Inventory", "Quick Magic", "Quick Stats", "Quick Map"



Some of those may correspond to Fallout 4.

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