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Better Dagger Scaling?


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Can we get a mod that makes daggers benefit from enchants and perks like other weapons?


Having a Daedric Dagger that does 100-150 damage and a Daedric Sword that does 500+ damage kinda kills the whole point of daggers... cause even with sneak modifiers the sword comes out on top.


There are several good ways of bringing dagger damage in line with one handed damage (hopefully) without making them overpowered.


Some ideas i can offer:

1) Make the sneak perk tree add +% dagger damage per level in addition to +% harder to detect.

2) Make daggers scale off the same enchants and perks that one-handed do, but to a lesser degree (needs to be a point to using swords over daggers).

3) Make a dagger damage enchantment that can show up in random loot tables (this would probably be a pain, not recommended).

4) Make the sneak perk tree add significant +% poison effect when using daggers in addition to +% harder to detect (this would make alchemy even more tempting to the aspiring assassin).


I personally like the idea of #2 and #4 combined. since using daggers gives one-handed experience, its only fair that it returns the love.


But at this point i would like anything that balances daggers at higher levels.

Edited by petphot
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I've currently made a mod about One handers in general and a few perks that are considered for the assassin type.


name of the mod is: Acidcrew Perk Upgrade


Also i have taken in account that one handed enchantments doesn't improve dagger damage. I've increased the damage of a few dagger perks.

Tho still busy finding out how to change that fortify enchantment so it also will count for daggers.

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