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[F4SE] What is the "aim down sights" key?

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I'm working on a simple mod, and for testing I'm writing a script that'll display a message box when the player presses their "aim down sights" button. But I can't figure out which key that corresponds with in the CustomControlMap.txt that comes with F4SE. I tried using "ZoomIn", but that didn't work. Even using the hard keys like "LTrigger" doesn't work on my x360 pad. Any ideas?

Here's what I'm doing, if you need to know:

Scriptname TestScript extends Quest

Event OnQuestInit()

Event OnControlDown(string control)
	if (control == "ZoomIn")

This works if I do other buttons such as "Jump", but I can't figure out the ADS button for some reason.
Any help is appreciated!

Edited by PeterTran
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That didn't seem to work either. That's annoying that they don't all work.

Thanks for the help though.

I guess next would be to ask how can I find the list of animation variables to use with


Maybe with that I can figure out if the player is aiming or not and go from there.

I tried to do something a little bit different by registering the animation even, but even that still doesn't work...
It works if I try it with the "JumpUp" event though.

Scriptname TestScript extends Quest

Event OnQuestInit()
	RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.GetPlayer(), "rifleSightedStart")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
	if (asEventName == "rifleSightedStart")
Edited by PeterTran
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That didn't seem to work either. That's annoying that they don't all work.

Thanks for the help though.


I guess next would be to ask how can I find the list of animation variables to use with


Maybe with that I can figure out if the player is aiming or not and go from there.




I tried to do something a little bit different by registering the animation even, but even that still doesn't work...

It works if I try it with the "JumpUp" event though.

Scriptname TestScript extends Quest

Event OnQuestInit()
	RegisterForAnimationEvent(game.GetPlayer(), "rifleSightedStart")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
	if (asEventName == "rifleSightedStart")

have you tried sightedStateEnter?

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