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BIg request for a big fort


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IMPORTANT: i did see how easy it was to use the creation kit but sadly i was moved out of my room and my computer put on the family TV even though i can see some of the stuff i cannot see/read the creation kit text while trying to use the mouse and keyboard my eyes are not that good =( so thats why im putting in such a BIG request now that the CK is out im sure you wont have lots of trouble making this mod


anywho heres what im requesting










Fort Blackmoore was named after the tyranical nord villan Chenzi James Blackmoore. During the fight to free skyrim he immediately seized power over hundreds of bandits and thugs in order to create a great stonghold to fight against whiterun. Sadly he did not realize that the fort was built in a very bad spot. before Chenzi could act the entire whiterun guard sided with a large portion of the imperial legion surrounded his fort. Knowing the way of the voice Chenzi called upon the storms to aid him and his men. eventually the fight between Fort Blackmoore and Whiterun came to a draw. A treaty was signed and Chenzi was never seen in whiterun again


Yet the fort still remains with a massive amount of bandits and thugs awaiting Chenzi's Command






- sit on your own throne

- have a very large armory

- control your army


the size of this fort is extremely large and the walls are inpenitrable (hoping i spelled that word right XD) the fort should be on the side of a mountain with very high towers that give you a veiw of overlooking whiterun


if possable there should be even a gate to stop intruders from entering


attacks from the legion are constant






- prison

- barracks

- armory

- throne room

- training room

- torture chamber

- dining hall

- kitchen

- Lab

- Panic Room

- Personal Bedroom



i hope the information was helpful if you decide to help me make this mod.

Edited by LordChenzi
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