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Glowing fire logs after HD pack install


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I've got this issue too, thought it was a mod texture causing it, but doesn't seem so after all. Only logs in the Whiterun Tavern are white.


edit: And i don't see this issue in the video you mention.

It's right at the start where he walks up to the camp fire LOL


Any link to the fix?

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Sad. This only confirms, re-affirms what everyone already knows.



Beth half-assed this entirely.



The console "dumb-down" is a mind-numbing reality for PC users who spend good money on powerful gear. I'm beyond disgusted.



Whoever is running the circus over there at Beth, listen up;



- You need to be using x64 architecture. Period.


- Focus on creating/releasing powerful tools to create the worlds we enjoy. The modding community will drive content - but we need a stable platform.


- Dump the ridiculous DRM.



And get someone over there who knows SOMETHING about quality control and beta testing. Focus on R&D rather than spending millions on glitzy ad campaigns.



"some" in the community will be fooled by your attempt to polish Skyrim with this release but, it's a joke. A very bad joke.

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