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Skyrim Survival - Alduin wins Mod idea


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So this is a pretty good idea tbh surprised no one has made it already.


Basically the mod changes the world of skyrim as if the dragonborn never existed and aludin succeeded in taking back control for the dragons humanity enslaved towns and citys in ruins only come across nice people every so often and bad people alot.


To cap things up


Alduin wins

people enslaved

towns & citys ruined

very few nice npcs

alot of mean npcs

maybe a hidden resistance underground some where to

No quests all a self made story find clues and stuff


Can anyone do this?

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I find it interesting. Of course it is a MAJOR project. I am working on development of a smaller scale ( 2 years in the making, no help).

I will keep your idea in my development plans.

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  • 1 month later...

I had just thought of this today and was going to post about it but was shocked/a little disappointed that someone else had the same idea already. I already knew that it would be a HUGE endeavor to complete and that it would take even a large team a long time to do a quality job of it. My idea was more of Alduin defeating the Dragonborn in the last fight. The last civilizations would be living similar to that of the Metro game series, which the surviving people live within dwemer ruins. Gameplay/mood would be like what the Dust and Frost mods do in Fallout NV and Fallout 4 (more apocalyptic, dangerous to be outside, resources scarcer). Cities in ruins, are very dangerous, but have fantastic loot (since the dragonborn had their dragonhorde there :thumbsup:).


Dragons patrolling everywhere so stealth is important (and you're not a dragonborn so there is no way to absorb their soul). Some quests can consist of freeing people like zAkatsukii suggests, escorting people (everybody's favorite thing to do in every videogame :whistling: ), and main quest is about discovering a way to be rid of alduin and the dragons like what the first dragonborns did with the elderscroll sending him forward in time.


The landscape being mostly burned, everything looks ashy and dismal outside. Only a few places are untouched (like the Eldergleam Sanctuary and other interior sanctuaries).


It pains me to know that none of this will likely ever see the light of day, but one can dream. :sad:

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