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Vivid Rings


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I have made many interesting and useful rings using the Console but it doesn't allow me to rename objects. I have tried to use the Creation Kit but it won't allow me to create rings using effects like Candlelight and Invisibility, like the Console will. I have tested all of my rings for many hours on the PC and on the 360 and I know they work properly.


Could someone either teach me how to make one of these custom rings with the Creation Kit, or would anyone be interested in getting the credit for making a mod containing all of them? If you want to change the names of them or whatever, that's fine with me. My only goal is to get them out to other gamers because they're really good rings to have.


Thank you for reading this. Please don't take my hard work and make a mod from it without me.


You can give any of these rings to a follower.


#Bodyguards ring gives you a Dragon Priest and Dremora Lord

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 10DDED 10FC12 #Bodyguards

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 81182 81181 #Boethiah's Shadow Embrace

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 1EA6C #Candlelight

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 109ADD AE722 #Cure Diseases and Poisons

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 64D68 #Ethereal

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 640B4 #Familiar

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 1EA6A #Invisibility

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 1EA6A 1EA6C #Invisibility and Candlelight

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 1EA6A 6B10C #Invisibility and Night Eye

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 6B10C #Night Eye

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B E3CBB 7B6BA #Friday

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B E3CBB BF742 #Next Friday

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 4E945 CDECF #Double Flame Thralls

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B CDED0 CDED1 #Frost Storm Thralls

#Vampire ring gives you Vampire Strength and Weakness to Sunlight

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 10DE17 FD80B #Vampire

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 78B9D #Clear Weather

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B E3F0A #Stormy Weather

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 104D4A 7F423 #Frost and Storm Effects

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B EBEA8 EB86E #Necro Effects

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 106E1D 9B2B3 #Suicide

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 103647 #Ghostveil

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B F71D2 #Draugr Eyes

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B E3CBA #Slow Walk

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 9AA37 #Spriggan Swarm

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 10D96B 10D96C #Well Rested Lover’s Comfort


#these can only be undone using the Console

#360 players can not undo the effects of these rings

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 92C45 #Permanent Werewolf Form

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 6E205 #Permanent Skeever Form


#You will still look like a ghost after removing the Ghost rings listed below.

#Use [Player.SetActorAlpha 100] to set your transparency to normal

#360 players can not undo the effects of these rings

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 1034CB #Permanent Purple Ghost

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B 5030E #Permanent Blue Ghost

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B D339A #Permanent White Ghost

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B ED5FF #Permanent Fire Ghost

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B D339E #Permanent Storm Ghost

PlayerEnchantObject 1CF2B ED600 #Permanent Frost Ghost

Edited by PikaNikz
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