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Game is not for GIRLS! how to delete SCARY monsters?


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Skyrim is about as scary as a G rated ghost film, its so unscary is just even sad.

I mean people with a phobia I can understand, its a irrational/rational fear of somthing that they really can not help. So spiders fine I get it some people need those removed to enjoy the game...


But to say that we girls (yes I AM a girl btw) can not enjoy a game unless all the scary wary mean things are taken out of it is just... insulting really.


You want a scary game? Try Amnesia in the dark late at night then come and tell me Skyrim is scary. Pffft scary.

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Well, I should stay FAAAR away from this thread, but somehow I cannot resist.


As a scandinavian I grew up with a mother who sceamed at me to grow a pair when I had a hard time walking on my foot. The reason for this was that I had just removed the bandages after stepping on a rusty nail that whent through my foot. I was also just a 6 year old boy. To say that my mother is tough as nails is an understatement. But then again, the vikings had to have fierce women, otherwise they would have stayed in their country, and never discovered such lovely places as Greenland :D. (I am scandinavian if it was not apparent.)


Now, to me, any daintyness in women seems strange and out of place, stereotypical and from the 60ies (yes I agree, equality took a nosedive in this thread). However. When I was a student some 6 years ago. A girl came from Belaruss to study in Gothenburg, and she was honestly distressed that noone had offered to carry her bags for her when she stepped of the train. I dont offer that stuff to strange women, since 100% of the women I know would have kicked me in the balls for being a sexist prick.


She then continued to tell me that goverment scientists in Belaruss (white-russia, or whatever it is called in English) had proven that a womans physic was not ment to carry more than 5 kilos at any time, otherwise they would get permanent injuries.


She sprouted some other nonsens as well, and believed every word of it. All I am saying is that even though many countries have gone far in the equality between the sexes (we are not there yet, but we are making some progress), she could be for real.


The reasons being that pornsites are know for ninja-looting images of young women to put on their sites to entice men to enter. Hell, she looks cute enough to get my heart beating.


Also given the quality of her english, I would put her somewhere to the east. So it could be all true.


Still, being a guy and all, If I was good enough at using the modding-utilities, I would let my penis decide and make the damn mod. It would not require that much creative thought to change all the models into regular animals, only a lot of searching though files and s***. If anyone can be bothered, why not give it to her. Sorry about the personal input, but I felt that I needed to clarify my position. This thread is a lit molotov' in the equality discussion, and I would hate to be put in a hospital by angry ip-tracking lesbians with tire-irons. Thats my to cents anyways. I think it is a legitimate request by someone from a different culture brought up with a different view on woman-hood. We should not burn others for having a different view than us, that makes us as bad as those we try to leave in the 1400s. Atleast, that is my 2 cents (thanks to greece, the conversionrate being something like 0.8 cents, but that is beside the point... frekking greece, still pisses me off).

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Skyrim is about as scary as a G rated ghost film, its so unscary is just even sad.

I mean people with a phobia I can understand, its a irrational/rational fear of somthing that they really can not help. So spiders fine I get it some people need those removed to enjoy the game...


But to say that we girls (yes I AM a girl btw) can not enjoy a game unless all the scary wary mean things are taken out of it is just... insulting really.


You want a scary game? Try Amnesia in the dark late at night then come and tell me Skyrim is scary. Pffft scary.

Or dead space... that game scared the s*** out of me. And I wasn't even playing in the dark

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