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BSA Files


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I've been merging some mods using the FNVPlugin, and a question occured to me. I've noticed the BSA files always have the same name as their corresponding ESP files. Is this a requirement, or just a naming convention? If it's a requirement it occurs to me that merging mods that have corresponding BSA files could stop them from working correctly. Edited by clawcity
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Yes, for any mod that does not register its BSA in the game ini, the BSA must be named the same as the esp that it goes with or the textures, meshes, whatever is in the BSA will not load correctly.


You can get around that by using FOMM to extract the BSA into your game directory, though I don't advise that simply because it becomes a pain to remove the files at a later date. Instead you should extract them to a separate directory, and then use the package manager in FOMM to build a FOMod of the file to install that way. Easier to uninstall, and if it replaces anything that already exists, then the uninstall will put the old files back.

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