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Anyone wishing to model a character (concept WIP)


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So im designing a female companion, named Leila. Now she'll be what i'll call a, Battle Medimage. Meaning a heavy armor wearer, but is a medic/mage.

Basically she'll be a really happy, fun, lovable characters, and even maybe a little bit naughty/horny, who know's!


I've only just begun the designing in photoshop, so i can not show any images yet, but does anyone want to take on the task of creating, hopefully a well remembered mod of the skyrim community?


Would be great to make her a project with customisable spells, moods, dialogs, all that jazz.

Not sure if the modeler could animate her too, as she'll have custom made armor and weapon(s?)


Lemme know via PM or a comment here if you wish to join this WIP project, i'd lvoe for her to be like that one character from oblivion we all remember, you know the one ;)





(When i get a nicer image going, i'll post an image here (with watermarking) for viewing. I dont see myself as a really pro artist, but i think im definately good enough to provide good images from front, side and back that a 3D modelist/animator can use.)

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Mod request. Wrong forum.



Im not REQUESTING someone to make a mod for me. Im asking people if they are interested in the project im going to start up. There is a difference, but thanks for your input though :)

Edited by Unleashin
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So there's is a real ROUGH. I know it's hard to see, but i had to upload it small like that, for this forum otherwise it'd probs get deleted. As i said, its a WIP so lots of detail to get into, but thats the basis there.

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She will be modeled barebody / naked, no?


Also, for concept art, you should focus more on her face. The body isn't as much important since she will be wearing regular clothings available ingame.



No, she'll be wearing the cloths in the design jsut here. It'll be custom clothing as well. And yes i know about the face, as i said its a ROUGh lol.

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