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Deleting Landscape Grass LOL?


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Mine always seem to update fine ingame, but it's extremely difficult to mod exterior cells when the grass doesn't update in the creation kit :/


Has anyone heard of any news about this, that it might be fixed soon or any possible fixes? For now I'm just disabling grass so that it doesn't obscure anything I'm working on, but it'd be great if I could see where I'm putting grass and what it looks like with grass in the editor.. :sad:

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Found it!!!


In SkyrimEditor.ini (for CK) and in Skyrim.ini (for game):




Grass in CK is generated immediatly after applying any texture ;)


Won't that just disable all grass in-game??

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I'll check this out tonight... thanks!


edit: ok, this removes animated grass ingame. Not really what I'm looking for :/


I got it to work perfectly. Go to documents>my games>skyrim, or wherever YOUR settings are saved. Make sure it is here and not in the skyrim installation. I opened both Skyrim.ini AND SkyrimPrefs.ini just for good measure, and at the bottom of the [Grass] section i made sure that it had this:






I assume none of the values will be present so just copy/paste.


Then, in the skyrim installion I opened SkyrimEditor.ini and made sure that the bottom of the [Grass] section had:





Oddly, I did not change SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini. You can for good measure as I'm sure it will do no harm.


After doing this, the grass in the cell I am editing will automatically regenerate correctly each time I paint textures. I did some editing, saved the plugin and loaded a game, and the grass that was previously floating in midair while in game matched exactly the grass as seen in the creation kit. Present, correctly attached to the ground, and still flowing in the wind.


A trillion kudos to Mikanoshi for preventing any further self-inflicted bodily harm and the potential murder of my entire neighborhood. I was basically about to stab myself like Ricky Bobby in the hospital.


edit: spread the word. this is how you fix the grass plague of skyrim

Edited by yodude12
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@Yodude12, Mikanoshi: if this is true, I am forever in you dept! :teehee:


Will try this out as soon as I get home.

Still weird that some people have this issue, while others don't...

Do you know if this affects older mods, or will I have to re-texture those? I guess the latter.


edit: I too can confirm this works like a charm!

Thanks again for this so simple but life-saving fix!! ;D

Edited by somnyus
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