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Mods Wishlist: Skills and Magic


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The Creation Kit hasn't been released already and many mods are already running by, some of them being very amazing in the way they tweak the game. As a player and TES fan I surely want to improve my gaming experience with mods, like you, and so for we can't always see "what people want" and "what modders can do" meeting nicely I've thought of a wishlist.


Here I will first tell about the changes or improvements I'd like to see in the game but this is also a place for you to join in, tell what you'd like to see, more eagerly or not.

Rate ideas, give modders inspiration and an idea of what the community wants to see come alive ingame!


For the following ideas I've tried as much as possible to base them on features already present in the game, such as already existing spells or so... in hope it can ease the work of modders.

[up] The CK has been released!


To make the wishlist more clear I've split it into several parts (other may be added at need) with main topics that are:



Immersion - Graphic Enhancement

Skills - Magic


You may wish to submit your suggestions in the proper categories or start a more appropriate one. Then we can create some polls to get an idea of what everybody's more interested into.



CK: Creation Kit

RS: Radiant Story







Bring back

  • Unarmored skill
  • Hand to Hand fighting skill



  • General perks
  • Place all percentage increase perks and inherent weapon abilities in the Base skill
  • Some unique perks could require to read a book/train with someone/require a certain amount of health/magic/stamina to unlock them
  • Conjuration perks
  • "Bound weapons do x% more damage" type of perk for Mystic Binding (as Armsman perk and likes)
  • "Daedra are x% more powerful" perk for Elemental Potency
  • "Undead are x% more powerful" perk for Dark Souls
  • Enchanting perks
  • Morrowind Enchanter: create enchantments that drain Magicka to refill themselves
  • Mystic Enchanter: charge your enchantments with your Magicka in spite of soul gems
  • Dragonborn Enchanter: charge your enchantements with dragon souls. What's the need of Azura's star when you're dragonborn?
  • Improved Smithing
  • Smithing+Enchanting: create weapons you can later infuse with a known spell (requires to be expert or apprentice in the school depending on the spell's level)
  • "Better weapons" perk: be able to smith better quality weapons from the start (ie: fine, exquisite) and refine basic weapons so they do as much damage as higher level weapons (ie: an iron dagger as sharp as an ebony blade)
  • Weapons and armors can be damaged and eventually break, you need to repair them as their quality decrease but you don't need raw materials to use the grindstone and workbench. However if the weapon is too damaged you'll rather throw it in the smelter.
  • Misc smithing: you can smith several lockpicks out of one iron ingot, and various items such as kettles, cast iron pots, forks and knives, tankards, etc. The worktable could be used to savagely create clothes and likes out of fabric and furs.







  • Magic training
  • Reading a spell book doesn't teach you a spell, it adds a new quest you must fulfill to learn, practice and finally master the new spell. The more powerful the spell, the more terrible the consequences if you fail it. But the funnier as well sometimes. This mod would also rely on the other points below.
  • You should fail a new spell sometimes before mastering it if you're not as expert in the school of this spell or master in at least 2 other schools.
  • Give pet names to your conjured creatures (useless but funnier), get to know and learn the name of your Daedras (talk with them)
  • Cast as many runes as you wish. Set the amount of power you want to infuse in the rune. Setting the rune takes time and decrease your Magicka regeneration speed for a proportionate time (it's tiring)



  • Alteration
  • Fast Feet (run faster)
  • Feather
  • Open/Lock
  • Polymorphy (like Brelyna Maryon's spell...)
  • Slowfall
  • Swift Swim
  • Water Breathing
  • Water Walking
  • Illusion
  • Night Eye
  • Paralyze
  • Charm (persuasion is easier, selling prices are better)
  • Blind (oponent's target is harder to hit, blinded oponent may flee when attacked)
  • Sanctuary (you are harder to hit)
  • Restoration
  • Healing Cloak (heals you and anyone in your range, including enemies)
  • Selective Healing Cloak (master spell healing only allies)
  • Cure Disease/Poison/Paralysis (on self and on target)
  • Fortify Skill
  • Fortify Magicka/Stamina/Health
  • Resist Poison/Disease/Element/Magic/Weapons (immunity or take less damages)
  • Dispel (remove bonus and malus spell effects on self or target)
  • Conjuration
  • Conjure Undead (Draugr variations depending on your Dark Souls perk)
  • Conjure Bound Armor pieces, Shield, Dagger... all that's missing.
  • Tame: if you can maintain this spell until the creature calms down to become able to conjure it. While you cast the spell the creature grows stronger so beware! (make this a racial perk for Bosmers)
  • Conjuration Pact: non-temporarily conjure a creature or Daedra as companion (if you're not powerful enough and let your Daedra wander freely it may cause great havoc)
  • Mark (place custom marker where you stand, number of markers limited)
  • Recall (fast travel to a mark/fast travel from interiors)
  • Teleport (conjure yourself where you target the spell)
  • Divine Intervention (for priests and famous characters only)
  • Destruction
  • Damage Magicka/Stamina/Health/Skill/Armor/Weapon
  • Absorb Health/Magicka/Stamina/Spells
  • Poison
  • Weakness to Element/Magic/Weapons

Edited by MoonSweets
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Hell, yes, I'm not fond of increasing the health of my Dunmer mage for clothes provide no defense and I don't want to make him an Alterator either. He's a goddamn conjurer! And how fun would that be to punch dragons like a true Nord? "Welcome back in Skyrim dude!"
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