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Music and Soundtracks question


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You need Fallout Mod Manager to open the files . Then go into your Skyrim Data Folder and double Click on Sounds and everything will be there. It's just that you can't open those files unless you have Fallout mod manager or a similar software that can read them.


The fallout mod manager will show you the files but it's pretty much gonna be a big mess and it's gonna be hard to find a specific file so once they're opened in the FMM , just extract everything in an empty folder on your desktop and the FMM will sort everything out inside pathed folders which will make it a lot easier for you to find what you want.


Most of the fighting sounds are in .wav so you can use those right away but all the music files are in .xwm so you'll need to convert those to .wav in order to use them or even just to listen to them. The only way to convert those are to use XwmaEncode.exe which came with some super huge windows package . I got lucky and i found a thread by researching it on google and someone had uploaded the exact file to it so i didn't need to download the package but i didn't save the thread anywhere so i can't link it here i'm sorry.


But trust me, just do a little bit of research on google about how to convert .wav to .xwm and you should find all the informations you need.


Hope this helps



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