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Voice actors needed for custom, standalone male NPCs


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Hey there.


My name is ViciousSARR and I am a mod author looking for a few voice actors for custom/standalone NPCs I am working on.




Male voice.

Accent: UK (Welsh, English, Irish, and immediate surrounding countries)

Most of the characters will have a standard 500-1000 lines of dialogue, same as the typical vanilla voice assets. Some may have fewer lines, some may have more. One character serves as the "hub" for all six, indicating where to locate the others once he is encountered in game.


The goal is to have six followers (to start) each with their own unique personalities and a more immersive feel. They are setup to comment on villagers, quests and even about other followers. They have their own backstories and will even discuss the other five NPCs from the mod, through a series of dialogue branches or idle comments triggered by location or NPC proximity. Some will have quests knowledge. Each has a different combat style, some have custom made ones. All come with their own armors not found in vanilla Skyrim.


They will come with a custom summoning spell and possible wardrobe functionality via dialogue.


Each NPC is custom sculpted in 3ds Max Studio, so they will not look like the standard vanilla followers or their distant cousins :wink:


I am not adding any female NPCs. This is strictly male NPCs only. There are enough female follower/waifu mods already. And there is no guarantee I will be making any of these guys marriageable. This is about combat ready followers with depth, not a romance mod.


My ultimate goal is to have the mod ready in full by June for original Skyrim. SSE will follow later.





#1 Lister:

An Imperial Legion lieutenant.

A soft-spoken, tenor range voice. He's more of a youthful, naive character. He responds to the Dragonborn with admiration, hero worship.


These are a few of his recruit lines:

  • You... you're the Dragonborn. I've heard tales of your escape from Helgen.

  • News of your feats have already reached the masses. You will be our hero. You will save us all.

  • Join you? Fight dragons with you? How does one say no to such an honor?

  • I will do my best to prove myself a worthy ally.




#2 Sebastian:

An Imperial Legion battle mage.

Confident, tenor rang voice. He's a flirty, sarcastic character and confident in his own abilities to the point of occasionally coming off snarky.


Samples of his dialogue:


  • This is Riften? People come here to get married? Ugh! I guess if you want to condemn yourself to life-long misery, this is the place to get it started.

  • So this place has an actual “Thieves Guild”? A guild of thieves? And no one does anything about that? Imagine what I could get away with then.

  • Is there anything better than a tavern wench? Well, tavern lads are just as good. Not as good, but close enough. Of course not in Skyrim. It's just all hairy Nord men. Eh, some of the women are too though.

  • That guard captain, what's his name? Modyn Veleth? Think there's a chance we can get him to have a round of drinks with us? I hear dark elves have more fun than anyone else in Tamriel. Atleast that's what I hope. That's the rumor I have been spreading anyway.




#3 Ennah Avik:


He's a Redguard serving in the Imperial Legion as a captain.

Baritone range. A very confident and stern man who commands respect from his subordinates, but is still fair in his treatment of them.


Temporary dialogue samples:


  • So you're this Dragonborn who managed to escape Helgen. I'd be impressed if I knew that was the actual truth.
  • I don't usually take orders. But I am in unfamiliar lands, filled to the brim with unusual beasts and savage peoples.
  • When I agreed to bring my regiment to Skyrim, I never expected I'd lose them as soon as I crossed the border. The Stormcloaks will pay for their deaths. I'll take down Ulfric myself if I ever get the chance.



#4 Mathis Adlathil:

Dunmer physician serving in Imperial Legion as a medic.

Baritone to bass range. Stern and logical.


No dialogue samples just yet for reads. Just submit a vocal sample of your choosing.


#5 Fenrarik:

Orphaned Nord teen.

Tenor voice range. Teen around 16 to 18. Youthful, naive, impetuous.


No dialogue samples just yet for reads. Just submit a vocal sample of your choosing.



#6 Bassnen:

Nord Warrior/Mercenary

Baritone to bass voice range. Aggressive and stern. Cynical at times.


Newly added NPC. Meshes and Textures will be done by early next week.

Dialogue sample:


  • Most fools request a fee upfront of 500 gold, eh?

  • Well, not I. My services are a bit more lofty you'll find.

  • There's more to be made every time the boss loots a chest, right?

  • Diamonds, gold, rare artifacts. Why settle for only 500 Septims when the boss can give you a share of their fortune over time?

  • Aye that I do. Name's Bassnen.

  • Folks have taken kindly to callin' me Bassnen the Brute.

  • I'm sure over time you'll come to find why that is.

  • Lead on, boss.






More Followers may be added in the near future. So if your voice isn't suited well for one of these five, there's always a chance it will be perfect for a future one to be added.


Contact me via PM if you're interested.


Thanks :smile:

Edited by vicioussarr
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