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first post: Making a new dragon, i have questions too...


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Here is some feedback from a fellow artist:

Too me the arms of the dragon just doesn't fit the lore of Skyrim. In skyrim dragons seems to be more closely linked with drakes (arms have evolved to wings) rather than ordinary fantasy dragon (arms and wings).

(Although, this is just my personal opinion so it's all up to you whether or not you want arms along with wings).


The texture is very detailed, but you seem to have left out a lot of detailing inside the mouth, the teeth aren't really up to par with the rest of the model. Since you've put so much work in your model, perhaps you could try to individualise some of the teeth? Like for example, make some shorter, make some overlap each other, some can be broken. The symmetri of the teeth are really spoiling the realism of an otherwise very realistic model.

The bottom of the mouth seems a bit too flat, perhaps you could ridge the roof and bottom of the mouth.


The texture on the skin is very neatly done and so is the texture of the horns.


It would also be nice to see a series of color schemes.


All in all it is a very fine model you're working on, just put some finishing touches on it and it will be amazing.

Edited by BolasNicol
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Holy crow! That is an awe-inspiring dragon, though if it was shouting at me it would definitely be a fear-inspiring dragon. Personally speaking, I think that it should be wyvern-shaped as well, to fit in with the Skyrim lore, but as a six-limbed dragon it is still incredible. I would add a few more teeth, personally, but from the black colour of them am I correct in sensing an influence from Westeros? All in all, brilliant!



PS: All hail Danaerys Targaryen, First of her name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains.... wow, I forgot how many titles she has. :tongue: In any case, go GRRM, go GOT, and especially go Dany. Still waiting for a Stark resurgence... curse those Freys...


PPS: Sorry, couldn't resist :rolleyes:

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@BolasNicol - from my point of view, there are no restrictions in art or expression. i'd rather leave the lore of skyrim to bethesda, and make things that i want to make. i'm not forcing anyone to download it, and if people honestly feel that a true dragon is out of place in skyrim alongside it's lesser wyrms is going to break their gameplay experience, then i guess there's some pretty shallow people out there. i mean, why remake something that's already in the game, where's the point or the fun in that?


try to bear in mind that this is a work in progress, so there will be sections which look undetailed and probably even unstarted by comparrison to others. but i hear you on the teeth, i am also looking into the ability to have some form of drool texture just to help break up the empty space that an open mouth creates.


@Zinnorokkrah - Awe and Fear often go hand in hand, i think anyway. you can't truly worship something you don't fear, right?


my draconic inspiration comes from sooo many places. i guess my childhood love of dinosaurs and "giant lizards" in general started it off. but i fell in love with the idea of dragons from a young age... so my ideas are usually a jumbled mess stemming from books, games, and film. i loved the inheritance books, i also enjoyed the dragonlance books (song of autumn twilight through to summer flame), i have the draconomicon (dungeons and dragons book), and yes i've fallen in love with a song of ice and fire!


@AnonDraco - The scales were sculpted in zbrush, i created a couple of alpha masks based around crocodile and dinosaur scale patterns, and used those as the basis for this dragons scales.


wheeeeew... so i finally decided on a colour scheme that i like! going for deep red + tiger/zebra style stripes to break up the colour a little bit. still need to do almost all of the scales lol.


also still need to do spec + gloss maps, see if i can differentiate between scales and skin a bit. i'm looking at the scale of the forearms, probably going to make them longer so when it's standing it'll have a more cat-like posture. i want this thing to be considdered THE apex predator, as deadly on land and water as in the air.




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