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Whenever the Bleeping game tries to save it crashes


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So I'm in the Raven Rock mine thing and as I go past the once confusing daedric looking door, I go through the next door into the boss battle room. I quicksave and it crashes, so I leave it alone and come back later. The next time, I went to the same place, quicksaved, and it crashed. Next time I opened the big daedric door, quicksave, and it crashes. At this point I'm angry and try once more without quicksaving, I kill the floating electro wizard, go through the next door, and read the book. I am teleported to the place of nightmares and as it Is starting to save(or so I think), it crashes. I am now positive it is the game not wanting to save or something and not the room. Suggestions?

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There seems to be a saving issue, kill the Dragon Priest (If that's what you're talking about) and enter Apocrypha (Nightmare place) without quicksaving, but before doing that, be sure to turn off autosave, it's the settings Save on wait, etc

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