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adding/removing items to the chem station work bench.


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so, i have a mod or two that i wanna adjust using the creation kit and in those mods, i wanna just add/remove certain objects from being craftable/not-craftable. i'm guessing this is rather simple to do, but, i just wanna make sure that i can do it right, even if getting the mods back is just a simple redownload.

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Load up the mod in FO4Edit and navigate to the Constructible Object section. Find the recipe(s) that create the items you don't want to be able to be crafted, right click on them, and select remove record. Result - the crafting option for those objects won't show up at the respective crafting station anymore.


For the crafting part for items that you can't currently craft you'll need to make new recipes for those objects you want to be able to craft.

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  • 3 years later...

How about removing crafting categories that would house the recipes for items I want to remove? Would removing all the items in that category remove the category as well? Sorry for responding on a very old topic, but this isn't a very widely talked about topic and I find very little stuff on it that helps me with my current situation.

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