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Skyrim Map Locators Enhacement


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Ok, first of all i wanna say i searched for this before posting, but if this was already requested i just want you to excuse me and delete or do whatever you must do with this.


So, taking a look on the mods developed for oblivion i found one wich would be really useful in skyrim´s enormous map (at least for me). The mod is this one http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=26389 and my request would be like importing something like this into skyrim. The essence would be a mod wich would allow us to put taggs close to a map marquer or any map spot, so we always can remember where was which thingy. So 4 example you could add taggs like (bandit campment, strong enemy, minering zone, stuff to pick up, etc... even allowing the player to create his customized taggs (4 example "friend waiting" when you say "wait here" to a companion, "nice view" when you find a bautiful view from up of a mountain or whatever...)


Long life to our great skyrim´s modders!!!

Thanks you all!

Edited by nistalete
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