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Body Part IDs for unused biped nodes (consensus?)

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check the khajiit head mesh in nifscope, and you'll see the ears are inclueded in the head.

True, but put an hat or helmet on one and the ears goes away.

This is because of the BSDismemberSkinInstance mapping you can see in 3d studio, however this is a bit off topic here.

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regarding outer/undergarments


if your outer garment is going to completely cover the undergarment, you simply check the extra body node in the ARMA record, and set your priority ranking according to layer. when the outer garment is then equipped, the undergarment is invisible (but still equipped).


the reason for outer/under separation was to have flexibility for layered outfits. one obvious example would be for something like a skimpified armor outfit, or even plain clothes (t-shirt + vest, both are layered, both need to be visible and can be equipped separately)



i agree that there are too many lower slots, so i will swap out the knee for a second face slot. abdomen may also be unnecessary, so i may change this to another misc/fx slot (giving a total of 3).




regarding right/left independent - i will add a note suggesting that over/under can be opted to be right/left instead. otherwise, i strongly suggest against modifying the existing nodes, because that would break compatibility for the thousands of existing vanilla armors, as well as mods that conform to the vanilla nodes.




EDIT - it appears that all of the unused nodes are culled in first person view. can anyone else confirm this?

Edited by AmethystDeceiver
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If I'm not mistaken the nodes can be switched to be visible in first person in the races entries. At least I remember stumbling across something like that in CK. I have not tested it though.


If I'm right this would be another reason to come to an agreement (and make it widely known) so that people who work with races can switch whatever nodes are agreed to show rings/claws/bracelets and people who create those items don't need to mess with races. That should avoid a head of possible and unnecessary conflicts.

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