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Body Part IDs for unused biped nodes (consensus?)


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so there are a total of 15 unused body nodes that can each have a new armor piece equipped to them without forcing something else to unequip.


i'm hoping there could be some kind of commonn consensus that modders can use as a guide when making new armors, so that we dont have all different kinds of armor being equipped to any random node. this would cause compatibility issues for users who download multiple mods and find that there are items that clip/overlap/force-unequip items that seem like they shouldn't.



i'm putting this list up just as a suggestion and hopefully we can all contribute to it and come to some sort of agreement. i'm not trying to be a *** telling other people how to do their mods, it's just better for everyone if modders follow the same numbering protocol (at least IMO).



already existing named nodes:


30 - head

31 - hair

32 - body (full)

33 - hands

34 - forearms

35 - amulet

36 - ring

37 - feet

38 - calves

39 - shield

40 - tail

41 - long hair

42 - circlet

43 - ears

50 - decapitated head

51 - decapitate

61 - FX01



proposed extra nodes:


44 - face/mouth

45 - neck (like a cape, scarf, or shawl, neck-tie etc)

46 - chest outergarment

47 - back (like a backpack)

48 - abdomen

49 - pelvis outergarment

52 - pelvis undergarment

53 - leg outergarment

54 - leg undergarment

55 - knee

56 - chest undergarment

57 - shoulder

58 - arm undergarment

59 - arm outergarment

60 - misc




Edited by AmethystDeceiver
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I really would like that answer if anyone has it as i have a major problem with custom armours not playing nice with skyrim bracers and need to make some inner sleeve arm sections that only get drawn when bracers are worn and dont whern they are removed this is my number 1 problem stopping me from releasing 5 rigged armours i have
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so how exactly do you make extra nodes?

Using the proposed list as a guideline, assign new armor pieces to the slot(s) that you need. In the .nif, dismember partitions should also be set to the same number.


I really would like that answer if anyone has it as i have a major problem with custom armours not playing nice with skyrim bracers and need to make some inner sleeve arm sections that only get drawn when bracers are worn and dont whern they are removed this is my number 1 problem stopping me from releasing 5 rigged armours i have


I'd like to help, but I'm still pretty sick, tired, and I really can't parse that sentence.

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  • 1 month later...

Thats a really good list. I assume by "abdomen" you mean a belly button ring type of idea? Chest outer would cover shirts and cloaks, the 2 pelvis could handle things like belts. i'd possibly suggest switching abdomen to a second face slot, since face peircings are likely to be popular as will glasses and other face stuff. what i'm saying is having 2 face items is more likely than having "abdomen", but there is "misc" which woudl also be useable for face stuff.


All in all, good list. i'd suggest some examples for all slots to give people some ideas. I'll start!


44 - face/mouth (glasses, nose ring, lip peicing, pipe)

45 - neck (like a cape, scarf, or shawl, neck-tie etc)

46 - chest outergarment (full cloak/robe, knife through the heart, chest cannon, armor peice top)

47 - back (like a backpack, wings, jetpack)

48 - abdomen (belly button ring?)

49 - pelvis outergarment(belt, tutu, armor peice bottom/skirt)

52 - pelvis undergarment(garter belt, wearable panties, belt (for use with armor bottom)

53 - leg outergarment (armor peice legs, arrow in the....)

54 - leg undergarment(warm woolen socks)

55 - knee (umm....ive got nothing for this one)

56 - chest undergarment (should be renumbered, possible chest armor/shirt?)

57 - shoulder (puldrons, parrot)

58 - arm undergarment(cybernetic implant, armor cannon)

59 - arm outergarment(ugh theres already a bracer slot, ihave no idea)

60 - misc (everyones just gonna end up using 60 and all those mods will conflict.)


So half way through the list i started thinking about split armors ala Oblivion and Morrowing and then things started getting dicey. If this convention gets picked up, its gonna need some logical fleshing out, and support from major modders, of which i am not one. i probably did more harm than good with this post. sorry :)

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  • 1 year later...

<p>Bumping this up - this is really important to find a consensus on. More and more people introduce mods with weird usage of the unused body slots and create a lot of incompatibilties that way. This should actually be a sticky post unless there is a ton of arguments against this usage.</p>

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<p>Edit: The recommended list at the CreationKit is actually different to the OPs post and goes like this:</p>

<p> </p>

<p><a href="http://www.creationkit.com/Biped_Object">http://www.creationkit.com/Biped_Object</a>. I personally use that list as a guideline</p>

Edited by dwiss
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