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Bard Jukebox


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My sons and I have been talking about having a Bard Jukebox, where you can ask the bards to play/sing dozens of period appropriate songs. Sure the voices wouldn't match, but females sing female songs, and males sing male songs. And playing of instrumentals would be performed by both.


But if you wanted more immersion, maybe have a performance hall where you ask an "agent" for a song and he goes to a back room and get the scripted bard for that song to come and perform it (kind of an "on demand performance").


Let's say you have Malukah's version of Dragonborn Comes, since she has additional voices singing at some points, there should be other bards that come out of a back room to assist. Also could have additional bards with flute and drum to accompany on other songs, as needed. Just a thought.


I'd love to learn how to choreograph the movements to match the instruments, and the lip synching. Maybe, some day... But if someone else knows how now, that would be incredible!!

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