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How do I get uv maps exported with nifskope2?


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We all know how to export uv maps for textures with old nifskope for skyrim but I can't figure it out for the new nifskope2 for fallout 4. How do I export the dam things? Maybe the nifskope2 dev is sadistic? I want to edit some textures for armor but I need to know exactly where something ends or begins and can't do that without uv maps. I really really hate the default marine armor textures it would be nice to have some decent looking leather bags on there and belts other details instead of this brownish grey mess with old bullet holes and stuff. I could make it an addon so player can upgrade their armor to the restored look with a few additional points to damage resistance whatever I just really hate those crap defaults and want to replace them badly. Other texture mods on nexus just black everything out or do something I don't like so makin it myself seems like the best way to go I just can't get uv maps can someone help with this?

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This is from a screengrab of an old thread that I took when looking into this issue myself recently (haven't had chance to test it)


"All the nif assets in game is having uv map layouts. This is i think what you are referring to.

They are data stored in the uv set inside the nitrishapedata on a nif, so you want to do is having nifskope, open the nif u want and right click on the nitrishape node and select texture -> export uv template. It lets you select filename and some other settings, exports a tga image file.

I never do that cause im always importing em into blender and u can export uvs from there also, so try that if this doesnt worrk good for u.

Als I havent messed with fallout4 so maybe the nodename is nitristrips instead of nitrishape, cause its that way for fallout 3"


Not sure if it'll help.

Edited by AGreatWeight
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Didn't see an export option, but if you right click on a mesh (or the BSTriShape/BSSubIndexTriShape/etc...) -> Texture -> Edit UV, you can take a screen shot of it. Just delete the diffuse texture from the BSShaderTextureSet to get one without the texture in it. If that's not good enough for you, and you don't have access to 3ds max, use Outfit Studio to convert convert it to an obj, open the obj in Blender, and get the UV map from there.


The nifskope2 dev is the same person as the old nifskope dev, if you want to know why he hasn't added that feature yet you should probably ask on the nifskope forums. I imagine it is related to the fact that Bethesda completely changed the way nifs are formatted.

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Didn't see an export option, but if you right click on a mesh (or the BSTriShape/BSSubIndexTriShape/etc...) -> Texture -> Edit UV, you can take a screen shot of it. Just delete the diffuse texture from the BSShaderTextureSet to get one without the texture in it. If that's not good enough for you, and you don't have access to 3ds max, use Outfit Studio to convert convert it to an obj, open the obj in Blender, and get the UV map from there.


The nifskope2 dev is the same person as the old nifskope dev, if you want to know why he hasn't added that feature yet you should probably ask on the nifskope forums. I imagine it is related to the fact that Bethesda completely changed the way nifs are formatted.



Don't know if it's intentional, or just because, as mentioned, FO4 meshes are slightly different, but there is no "Export UV" option for FO4 meshes. Nifskope 2.0 still has the option for "older" versions of .nifs though (Skyrim, FO3/NV etc) so my guess would be that there is something stopping the enabling of the option for FO4 meshes that they haven't been able to work around yet.

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When I was testing it, I found that "Edit UVs" only works if your BSLightingShaderProperty has an attached BSShaderTextureSet (even an empty lets you edit the UV, even though it doesn't show the texture). This is probably so it can show the texture the UV Map is for, otherwise you could edit it but not see what you are mapping to.


For the older nifs, it seems you only have the export option if the NiTriShape has an NiTriShapeData block attached to it, and if you look at it it has the the info for each individual vertex/triangle.


So he definitely had to change things for FO4 nifs. Not sure why there is no export option though, I would think once you make it so it can read and edit the nif (as required for the Edit UV function to work), it wouldn't be much more work to allow it to be exported, but I don't know how it was set up before. Going off what I suggested, couldn't he just make it so you could toggle off the texture/grid in the edit window and save the image in it (if nothing else, using the Screenshot image that currently exists for the current mesh view). It might not allow you to make a super high-res template like the export option for Skyrim does, but you could at least make one the resolution of the vanilla texture.

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thanks for the replies I thought about screenshotting it too but I want to get it exactly where it is supposed to be. Sometimes beth leaves a lot of room for those uv to fit into but sometimes they don't and if a weapon like a sword has a blade texture cut in half it will never line up right once altered for example. I might try blender to see if I can get it from there but dammit I hate blender makes me feel like I'm going in for a root canal every time I try to use it.

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From what I can tell the placement of the vertices/triangles in the "Edit UV" screen are the same as they would be when printing a template. And if you leave the texture in the relevant field in the BSShaderTextureSet you can see how they line up with the vanilla texture. It in fact lets you see precisely what you refer to (i.e. the texture parts extending slightly beyond the UV map for that part). I just figured you wanted a blank background, because that seemed to be what you got using the Export UV option when I tested it.

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