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Problem with scripting


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Hello everybody,


I'm new in programming world and i read a little tutorial from this website http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Scripting_Tutorial:_My_Second_Script how to script. so i started named scripting, and it said to safe my job, and i get an error then i pressed save button, here is a picture > http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/1866/errorli.png . So please help me, and what i would have to do know. sorry for bad english, cuz english is my second language :)

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Well the problem is you're trying to apply Oblivion scripts to Morrowind, which is not possible because they are two different scripting languages. The website you posted is a tutorial website for Oblivion modding.


If you're interested in learning morrowind programming, theres a really awesome guide that you can download here at http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6083&view=Mods.Detail


It's a really great walkthrough for teaching beginners how to program in Morrowind. Hope it helps.

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