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Natural Progression System


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So I've been playing Skyrim today and wondering whether a dynamic progression system could be designed in place of the get a perk point select a perk stuff. By this I mean that perks would automatically be applied by performing the action pertaining to them, and not by player selection; so after a while of casting novice restoration spells, you just naturally develop the Novice Restoration Perk; likewise after a while of enchanting, you naturally develop the aptitude to put two or more enchanments on the same item; and after a while of smithing, you just naturally develop the ability to develop new armours. It is quite rudimentary in my head at the moment, but for me I think it would work to make the game a little more immersive and thus fun. It could work in relation to the skill level, so that at upon reaching a smithing skill level of 20, you naturally become able to fashion elven and dwarven armour, and if you smith more heavy armour from there, you progress to orcish armour, and if more light armour then to advanced light armours. There is the issue of, will this lead to grinding (even more so than there already is); but that could be solved by some clever balancing. But I have this basic idea in my head and am liking it so far. I see, in my mind's eye, a notification arising on the screen to inform the player that they can now do X, Y or Z as a result of their diligent performance of A, B or C - brilliant! Problem is...I know nothing about modding. Anyone here that knows of such a mod that already exists, or is able to do the necessary techno-magic to make this happen?

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I think OP meant that i.e. by picking novice/apprentice/adept/expert/master locks, after a specific amount of times you automatically get the perk (as long as your general lockpicking lvl allows for it)

It is possible, however extremely script heavy.

Edited by kalle1111
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